NEE reduces inventory loss by 97% with IFS FSM

NEE relies on IFS Field Service Management to honor its commitment of never refusing customer requests.

With 15 branches across Canada, NEE serves diverse petroleum clients. Kevin Bresson, NEE's Supply Chain Management Director, stresses the need for adaptable service software due to the energy sector's dynamic nature.

IFS FSM is core to NEE's operations, managing projects and services for petroleum customers. It has improved external and internal customer service, reducing the time between service and billing and significantly decreasing inventory variances. Mobile solutions from IFS enhance NEE's agility in service delivery.

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“IFS has allowed us to focus on agility, and that is the one way that we’ve felt that they’ve added the most value to our company. They help us not to say no to our customers. We’re a complex business, and therefore not saying no requires us to pass on the challenge to willing suppliers—and IFS have stood up all the time. It’s been great working with IFS.”

Kevin Bresson

Director of Supply Chain Management, NEE

About NEE

National Energy Equipment, Inc. is the largest distributor of energy related equipment in Canada, providing service from Vancouver Island to Newfoundland. The combined resources of 15 branches across Canada and a culture of operational excellence combine to create a $200 million Industrial Distribution and Service Company with a full range of world class product lines. With over 500 employees, NEE’s objective is to provide the best sales and service support in its industries, while synergizing product offerings for optimum benefit to its customers.

Benefits seen using IFS:
  • 97 percent reduction in inventory loss
  • Seamless data flows across a distributed organization
  • Greater agility with mobile solutions
  • More accurate and efficient scheduling
  • Considerably enhanced customer service
  • Ability to diversify operations to add business value
  • Reduced time to invoice from the field by four weeks; improving cash flow

Customer expectations of how technology should facilitate service are changing, and NEE’s customers are no exception.

IFS has allowed NEE to configure the system to meet its existing processes, but also brought in some useful best practices to help NEE simplify and improve its operations.

. A lot of the savings are hard to quantify, but NEE has noticed that having a strong infrastructure based on IFS Field Service Management has enabled it to go into new businesses. NEE is planning to leverage the industrial internet of things (IIoT) to gain these real-time remote insights into customer equipment health, for example.

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