Solutions pour l’industrie minière

Une assistance sur tout le cycle de vie des actifs et projets, avec les solutions complètes d’IFS pour l’industrie minière


Les logiciels d’IFS permettent aux entreprises minières de réduire leur coûts de 29 %

Augmentez la performance de vos mines

Automatisez vos processus d’entreprise et optimisez votre performance opérationnelle avec des solutions logicielles pour le secteur minier.


Optimisez vos actifs tout au long de leur cycle de vie

Imaginez pouvoir réduire le coût global de la gestion des actifs et leurs informations au sein d’une solution de gestion du cycle de vie des actifs ouverte et complètement intégrée.

Des livraisons dans les temps et budgets impartis

Gérez des projets complexes. Gagnez en visibilité et transparence. Soyez le meilleur là où c’est le plus important : Moment of Service.

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Témoignages de nos clients

Solutions and Capabilities for Mills and Mining

  • Mining Asset Management Software
    Mining asset management software can help organizations within the mining industry to effectively track and manage their assets. These assets can include expensive and heavy mining equipment used within this sector.

    IFS offers asset management software for the mining industry to help with the management of equipment and assets, including machinery, property and vehicles. Our EAM system can ensure that your assets continue to run reliably and efficiently. It can improve health, safety and compliance, and can proactively help with everyday decisions to repair or replace an asset towards the end of its lifecycle.

    IFS EAM mining software will ultimately assist you to manage your asset investments efficiently and within budget, allowing you to focus on the business.
  • Mining ERP Software
    Having access to a good mining ERP software is a necessity for businesses within this industry sector that are looking to improve their operational efficiencies. ERP software offers a whole host of benefits that can assist with financial, asset and human capital management. Additional key benefits of ERP software for mining companies can include entire project lifecycle management and real time reporting enabling your organization to monitor performance data at any time.

    IFS supplies Mining ERP software that is globally proven and can help you to maintain and consolidate all your business operations. Whether you are looking to upgrade an existing system or are considering to implement an ERP software for the first time, IFS can offer you the solution that you are looking for.

Ressources de support

13 avr. 2022 Whitepaper +1
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Digital Transformation
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Favoriser l'excellence opérationnelle tout au long de la "vie de la mine".
Digital transformation of your mining operations
16 sept. 2022 Brochure +1
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Asset Management
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Optimisez la productivité de vos actifs immobilisés avec IFS 

Solutions pour votre secteur


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