Découvrez le programme de partenaires IFS. IFS s'associe à certaines des plus grandes entreprises du monde pour offrir aux clients de tous les secteurs et de tous les pays plus de choix, une technologie innovante, une expertise et un support inégalé pour surmonter les défis et favoriser le succès.
Why partner with IFS
The IFS Partner Program puts partners on the path to success with recognized training, certification and opportunities for growth. IFS is the number one choice to remain competitive and irreplaceable in today's IT landscape.
But don't just take our word for it. Hear from some of our partners why they’ve partnered with us.
Technology alliances: best of breed solutions
Our partnerships with technology vendors guarantee best-of-breed solutions that combine our technology and our customers’ needs, enabling faster time to value and innovation for their businesses.
Connect with our ecosystem
Learn more about the IFS Partners and why you should work with them. Search our global directory to find qualified partners who are experts in your industry and in IFS solutions.
Rejoignez-nous sur la route du succès
Découvrez notre Programme Partenaires primé et comment IFS peut doper la croissance de votre entreprise.