Managing leasehold with iLandMan

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If you’re in oil and gas land and lease management, there’s likely been a time when you’ve had to decide which leases to keep, extend, release, trade, or acquire. Did you have a tool to help make these strategic decisions, or did you go it alone?

Through iLandMan, the industry’s only cloud, tract, and formation-based tool, you can access detailed, customized dashboards that help you make optimal decisions around your leases. Seeing them visually and spatially on a map, plus using our map analytics, allows you access to important data other land systems simply cannot provide.

This two-minute video offers a glimpse into iLandMan, our software that not only offers real-time visibility into lease positions, but also:

  • Automates the entire E&P land life cycle
  • Provides accurate net acreage values 
  • Lowers land budgets by up to 30%
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