IFS BOLO: Brochure

IFS_Accounting Solutions_Webpage Images_1_Upstream oil and gas accounting software

Industry-leading accounting software in upstream oil and gas

IFS BOLO helps accountants in U.S. E&P companies improve efficiencies and achieve greater value for increasingly complex oil and gas accounting operations.


Learn how IFS BOLO:

  • Gives you full visibility into revenue accounting, allocation and valuation, accounts payable/receivable, joint interest billing, and more
  • Reduces the risks inherent in tracking assets at producing and non-producing properties and calculating DD&A (depletion, depreciation, and amortization)
  • Lets you work through an intuitive portal to track data back to the original source of any transaction to retreive a complete, accurate history of all financial activities
  • Conforms to your organization's unique and changing needs and is scalable to manage and support hundreds or tens of thousands of wells
  • Automates time-consuming accounting practices by replacing spreadsheets and manual processes with best-in-class software that boasts an intuitive UI built for growth-oriented customers

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