IFS remote construction assistance solutions

For better utilization of precious resources to reduced truck rolls and lower costs, alongside a vastly improved customer experience, remote assistance delivers real value almost instantaneously. IFS Remote Assistance is a merged reality tool that can have an impressive, immediate impact on your business.

You can completely reimagine how you conduct business with the ability for any of your employees to be anywhere instantly. Two users can collaborate and interact in real-time, freezing images, using hand gestures, and even adding real objects into the merged reality environment.

With Remote Assistance, employees can provide real-time, immersive support to customers. Experienced technicians can remain in the back office, training and coaching multiple younger techs in the field. Team members within the company can quickly and easily collaborate.

In the fact sheet we touch upon the value of IFS Remote Assistance, covering the following topics:
  • Customer self-service
  • Remote diagnosis
  • Better utilization of your valuable resources
  • Faster onboarding of new talent
  • Knowledge repository

To find out more information surrounding the benefits of Remote Assistance, download our fact sheet.

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