Vigor Uses IFS´s Agile Solution for Quick Integration of Acquisitions

A leading provider of shipbuilding, Vigor Industrial uses IFS Applications to manage all of its operational activity, including customer work, materials and subcontractors, payments, inventory management, equipment maintenance and general ledger entries. Thanks to IFS Applications, Vigor's new agile ERP solution has:

  • Eliminated paper-based invoice approvals
  • Streamlined inter-company processes
  • Enabled quick deployment of Vigor teams
  • Reduced time accessing and entering information
  • Improved communications between companies


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“The companies who join the Vigor family do work for each other every single day, There’s no way we could operate the way we do without bringing each of our companies onto IFS.”

Leonie Markgraf

IT Director - Vigor

About Vigor

Vigor is the leading provider of shipbuilding, ship repair and complex fabrication in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.

Benefits seen using IFS

  • Eliminated paper-based invoice approvals
  • Streamlined inter-company processes
  • Enabled quick deployment of Vigor teams
  • Reduced time accessing and entering information
  • Improved communications between companies

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