Jacopa raggiunge una maggiore efficienza con IFS ERP

Jacopa, azienda che si occupa di trattamento delle acque reflue, sapeva che l'efficienza energetica e le questioni ambientali erano fattori chiave per il suo successo. Così, si è messa alla ricerca di una soluzione di Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) che potesse servire la sua attività sia oggi che in futuro..

La scelta di IFS per i servizi cloud della loro soluzione ERP si è rivelata vantaggiosa. Subito dopo l'implementazione, Jacopa ha ottenuto:

  • Crescita aziendale ed espansione sul mercato
  • Miglioramento dell’efficienza operativa
  • Miglioramento della business intelligence

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"IFS [ERP] is one, clean ERP system which ultimately allows me to get the job done when it needs to be done."

Owen Monday

Company Buyer

About Jacopa

Jacopa is a growing company that designs, manufactures, installs and services wastewater treatment equipment in the municipal market across the United Kingdom and Ireland. They are committed to excellence in
health and safety, to outstanding environmental performance and to providing exceptional customer service.

Benefits seen from using IFS ERP solutions for Jacopa:

  • Accurate and up to date information between engineering, manufacturing, installation and maintenance
  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Company growth & market expansion
  • Increased productivity

The solution: A seamless transition and implementation

Having received positive feedback from references in the water utility business, Jacopa’s decision to go with IFS for their ERP solution proved to be a very simple one. IFS’s ERP software was a natural fit, unlike their previous ERP system. IFS was able to configure their processes and systems without force or disruption and also offered Cloud Services, something that was very appealing to Jacopa as they do not have an in-house IT department.

In just four months, IFS and UK Channel Partner, Anthesis, had fully implemented the new system—meeting that challenging deadline. Jacopa’s team began using the system within days of implementation and the positive user experience was proved by the feedback, as the previously hesitant users of their legacy system immediately began using the IFS ERP system.

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