Wie IFS Dolezych zu nahtlosen Prozessen verholfen und so die Weichen für die Digitalisierung und organisatorische Transformation im Unternehmen gestellt hat

“By embracing IFS capabilities we have transformed our data, our organization and our processes to ensure we can maximize value for customers”
CDO and Project Owner
About Dolezych
Founded in 1935, today Dolezych is one of Europe’s largest suppliers of cables, lifting, slinging and load-securing equipment, with a portfolio of more than 20,000 products. Headquartered in Dortmund, Germany, and selling globally, the company employs 650 employees and operates seven subsidiary companies in Poland, the USA, Chile, China, Turkey, Russia and Ukraine.
Benefits seen using IFS
- Multi-site, multi-country information held in a single system
- Full transparency across production and inventory
- Robust, accurate real-time data a single version of the truth
- Innovation support to improve the customer experience
- Visibility and analysis of advanced KPIs