Alfort improves its business processes with IFS

With IFS at its core, Sweden-based Alfort, a supplier of tools, home, house and gardening goods, is continuously expanding its offerings and has increased its ability to predict product and service demands from the market. Now, Alfort is looking forward to further expanding its service, with an upgrade to the latest  version of IFS and its wide-ranging set of tools for distribution and finance.

Alfort, with a history dating back to 1906, is a wholesaler of a wide variety of products and is also a supplier of its own brands. In the late 1990s, with the new millennium, approaching, Alfort realized that its ERP solution was unable to handle years written in four digits. 

Assets Type:


“IFS is very comprehensive and covers just about all our needs.”

Joakim Keskitalo

IT Manager at Alfort

About Alfort

Alfort is a wholesaler of tools, home, house and gardening goods but is also a supplier of its own brands, for instance Mäster, Nitor, Konkret and Arena.

Benefits seen using IFS

  • Optimized supply chain processes
  • Complete, integrated warehouse management, financials, purchasing and order functionality
  • Built-in regulatory compliance
  • Integrated web shop

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