IFS.ai: 組織に強いインパクトをもたらすAI


IFS.ai でできること

IFS.ai Data Foundation、Orchestration レイヤー、Co-Pilot は、IFS の各種機能と動的に連携してデータと AI を結び付け、 ユーザーの役割に基づいて結束あるいは個別に動作します。

IFS.ai のインタラクティブなエクスペリエンス

IFS.ai のインタラクティブなエクスペリエンス:外出先でもカスタマイズされたエクスペリエンスを

従業員が IFS のテクノロジーとやり取りする場所。役割に応じてカスタマイズされた IFS.ai は、テレメトリデータを使用してプロセスを調整し、付加価値のあるアクションに優先順位を付けます。ユーザーはエンゲージメントをより強め、より良い結果につながります。

IFS.ai がすべての IFS の機能を強化する

IFS.ai がすべての IFS の機能を強化する

IFS.ai は、IFS Cloud、IFS Ultimo、IFS assyst、IFS Poka と連携しています。さまざまな機能が AI で強化され、それをユーザーに提供することで、より深くより広範なビジネス価値を促進します

IFS.ai Orchestration:データと AI を動的に組み合わせる

IFS.ai Orchestration:データと AI を動的に組み合わせる

IFS.ai Orchestration は、コンポーネントを個別に、またはプロセスの実行に必要なデータと一緒に活用するように切り替えます。IFS.ai のオーケストレーションサービスは、役割とプロセスに基づいて提供されます。

IFS.ai Data Foundation:あらゆる種類のデータを活用する

IFS.ai Data Foundation:あらゆる種類のデータを活用する

Data Foundation は、会社データから顧客データ、テレメトリーデータ、第三者データに至るまで、データをリアルタイムで利用可能にし、IFS.ai を通して関連するインサイトを提供できるようにします。

IFS.ai Co-Pilot:従業員の右腕となる AI

IFS.ai Co-Pilot:従業員の右腕となる AI

IFS.ai Co-Pilot は、テレメトリデータやその他の役割に関連するデータを使用して、ユーザーの効率性、生産性、品質の向上を継続的に支援します。

IFS.ai を選ぶ理由

  • Interactive Experiences - Supercharge the Way People Work

    IFS.ai’s interactive experience will transform the way people interact with software. Intelligent, proactive, and personalized, the combination of the user experience and the IFS.ai copilot will empower users to be more efficient and productive and have a real impact on innovation, customer experience, and business growth.

    These powerful user experiences are designed to be human-centered and to solve the challenges of today's workforce. Employees are bombarded with information, navigation choices, and tasks on different screens IFS.ai delivers experiences and guidance that enhance employee engagement, which is paramount to retaining talent.

    IFS.ai provides a unified and intelligent interface with contextualized assistance, guidance, and insights tailored to a user's specific needs and goals. The software will learn from user behaviors and preferences over time and tailor recommendations accordingly. This means that users always have the information they need and can focus on the tasks that matter most.

    See how IFS interactive experiences will help your organization:

    • Boost productivity: Suggests ways to be more efficient, freeing user time to focus on high-value work.
    • Make better decisions: Provides guidance and insights tailored to user context, behaviors, and preferences.
    • Reduce operational complexities: Unifies and simplifies the user interface, providing a role-specific and engaging experience.
    • Improve business processes: Analyzes telemetry data to identify and improve processes, making them faster, more efficient, and less prone to errors.

  • IFS Data Foundation

    Harnessing the full organizational value of AI requires a strong data foundation. This means access to, and usability of, internal and external data sources made simple and effective. The IFS Data Foundation layer unifies data from across functions and systems. From business data to telemetry and unstructured data, also including application and business logic. Users across the business will see how data and AI services combined support operational as well as tactical and strategic decision-making faster. Insights delivered can help shape, innovation, pricing, and services and product strategies to gain competitive advantage.

    With the IFS.ai Data Foundation, organizations can:

    • Leverage multiple data sources: connect to a wide range of data from internal and third-party sources, including traditional systems, business applications, unstructured data sources, and IoT high-frequency streaming data from physical assets in the field.
    • Apply AI to data through services: a variety of AI-powered services help organizations synthesize their data to predict trends, identify anomalies, and highlight opportunities to automate tasks, optimize processes, and provide interactive user assistance.
    • Improve enterprise-wide processes: improve processes across functional areas, from manufacturing and supply chain to customer service and sales.
    • Increased visibility and insights: IFS Data Foundation provides a unified view of all data across the organization, regardless of source. This gives users a deeper understanding of the business and how to use insights to drive efficiency and reduce costs.

  • IFS.ai Orchestration - Transforming Business Operations through AI services

    IFS.ai Orchestration services deliver a new age in organizational preparedness. Services can combine with the IFS.ai data foundation and IFS.ai user experience. Resource scheduling and optimization, asset performance management and maintenance prediction, as well as anomaly detection all come together to support business, process, and people effectiveness.

    Unlike traditional orchestration approaches, IFS.ai reaches deep, enabling customers to leverage AI capabilities across the organization. Whether it’s planning, manufacturing, finance, or any other function, customers can use IFS.ai to optimize their processes, drive efficiency and productivity, and accelerate decision-making. Each IFS.ai service can be used on its own or in conjunction with a number of other services. For example, simulate a business scenario, plan based on the outcome, optimize the plan for better results, continuously detect anomalies, create actions, and get expert support with execution as needed.

    Services in IFS.ai Orchestration

    Enterprise and Process Simulation – AI-Powered Simulation to Help Enterprises Make Better Decisions

    The enterprise simulation service can be used to simulate business scenarios to expose the possible impact of a new manufacturing process on production costs and quality and on the requirements for line maintenance. IFS.ai Enterprise Simulation enables leaders to accurately model business scenarios and gain insights that will help test and analyze different strategies in a controlled environment.

    Continuous Optimization – Intelligent Optimization of People, Processes, and Schedules.

    IFS.ai Optimization services harness AI to continuously identify opportunities to improve the processes of scheduling, planning, and resource allocation based on a vast number of changing factors and given constraints. IFS.ai Optimization services can reduce the complexity involved in generating optimal schedules and plans to maximize cost-efficiency, assets, and material utilization.

    The value of IFS.ai and IFS Cloud optimization:

    • Reduce scheduling complexity and improve decision-making by handling large volumes of changing factors and constraints.
    • Optimize the use of resources, such as technicians, assets, and parts, to maximize efficiency and productivity.
    • Increase control over manufacturing production schedules and costs to maximize plant throughput.
    • Prioritize asset maintenance tasks, minimize asset downtime, and maximize asset utilization.

    Self-learning AI Anomaly Detection – Proactively Optimize and De-Risk Operations

    IFS.ai self-learning Anomaly Detection service detects and reports unusual behavior across data or processes and allows real-time response to critical anomalies. With intelligent anomaly insights, teams are equipped to proactively and autonomously optimize and de-risk operations with more rigor around compliance and governance. Organizations can better prevent failures, optimize processes, detect financial irregularities, minimize downtime, mitigate risks, and increase workforce productivity.

    Leaders are better informed to explore new monetization opportunities through new product features, new services, and or an optimized pricing strategy.

IFS.ai が 各業種向けIFS Cloud をより優れたものにします


IFS.ai は、故障・修理からサプライチェーン、ミッションの計画・最適化に至るまで、重要な資産プロセスの自動化を加速します。








AI ナレッジベースを活用して、資産とモバイル ワークフォースのパフォーマンスと要件をリアルタイムで予測、計画、最適化します。


社内外のデータを使用して傾向を予測し、要件に対応し、ESG 目標や SLA を一貫して達成するためのインサイトを生み出します


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