bbpl beira group

BPPL Holdings

IFS supports BPPL Holdings’ global expansion

BPPL sources from sustainable forests and recycled plastic and paper. It currently employs more than 600 people across five factories, maintaining an extensive inventory and rapid production capacity. BPPL exports products to the UK, US and countries across both Australasia and the Middle East.

From leveraging the benefits of an IFS system, the company has:

  • Improved productivity from 65 percent to 85 percent
  • Enabled On Time Tracking (OTT) of raw materials to the production floor
  • Ensured almost 100 percent On Time Full Time Delivery (OTFD) of export orders

To learn more about their IFS journey, download the customer story.

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"We can extract information very quickly and it gives me more time to concentrate on other tasks than finance. I really enjoy my job because I have more time to learn more things and improve myself."

Ms. Vernee Kularasan

Senior Finance Manager at BPPL Holdings

About BPPL Holdings

Headquartered in Sri Lanka, BPPL is one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of sanitary and maintenance tools in Asia. With more than 30 years of brushware manufacturing and marketing experience, BPPL creates products for household, professional, commercial and industrial use, including brushes, brooms, dusters and more.

Benefits seen using IFS

  • Productivity improved to 85 percent from 65 percent in 2008
  • More agile response to customer demand and better cost-tracking
  • User-friendly system provides quick access to data
  • Decision-making process has been made quicker
  • Staff and the wider business have more time for development and innovation

By implementing IFS, BPPL is now able to provide a more flexible service to customers, respond to changes and keep more comprehensive track of costs. Since implementation, BPPL has increased revenue, while productivity has also improved from 65 percent to 85 percent since 2008. 

Prior to implementing IFS, BPPL relied on a variety of different disparate systems. Each provided its own report, making data collation a time-consuming process. But with the IFS solution integrated system in place, staff have enjoyed much more time-efficient day-to-day processes.

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