IFS Ultimo Services, Support & Training

Excellent customer service has been in our genes for decades. Our software does what it is supposed to and is intuitive by nature, and we are happy to support you with Ultimo training, support and implementation.


IFS Ultimo Training Academy & E-learning

To support you in using Ultimo in practice and to get the most out of the software, we provide an extensive range of Ultimo training courses. With e-learning you can follow training courses at a time that suits you.

Implementation & consultancy

At IFS Ultimo, we use our own implementation methodology based on thousands of successful implementations. This proven methodology is based on our many years of expertise, and the PRINCE2® project management framework.

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IFS Ultimo customer support

Our customer support department is always ready to provide you with relevant answers, helpful documentation, and clever updates to the software. Our team is efficient and customer friendly. We offer Standard, Premium, and Platinum (24/7) support.

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