Acquire and protect your organization's most important assets, drastically reduce lease cycle times, and drive efficiency through automation of the entire E&P land life cycle. Benefit from an unmatched land management experience.

Tract and formation-based land software
The only way to calculate truly accurate net acreage values is with a tract and formation-based lease management system. Contract-based systems aggregate ownership, creating inequities and inaccuracies in the value of acreage.
Integration across your operation
Reduce effort by setting up wells, parties, ownership, and production in one system of record with automated integration, ensuring accuracy across departments and eliminating manual re-entry and time-consuming reconciliations.

Custom reporting
Every upstream oil and gas land team has unique requirements which is why our software comes equipped with a reporting tool that allows users to create custom reports on the fly in Excel. 100+ templated reports are also available.
Real-time visualization on a map
Having a fully integrated and interactive map is essential to any company involved with lease aquisition and land management. Displaying real-time information in an easily consumable way equates to sound decision making.

IFS Energy & Resources — iLandMan
IFS Energy & Resources — Land
IFS Tobin

Virtual land department
Need an extra set of hands? We can provide that and more as your virtual land department. We'll handle all of your back-office land and lease management needs through software that integrates with your landmen's workflows, allowing the seamless flow of data from the field.
Data management
We act as data consultants for our customers, providing them with utmost confidence that their data remains accurate, true to form, and useable from one system to the next. Data integrity is critically important to us.

Solutions for your industry
Geospatial Information Solutions
Geospatial data and information solutions that allow users to maintain enterprise datasets, enable geological analyses for asset evaluation, make critical land & lease decisions, and gain visibility into future opportunities.
Production Solutions
Integrated production software that optimizes asset performance for over 50% of wells in the U.S. and thousands of others worldwide. Allows for accurate volume allocations, effective field data capture and validation, real-time data visualization, and more.
Accounting Solutions
Upstream oil and gas accounting software that is designed to simplify complex accounting and provide a 360° view into your company’s financial performance. Handles the unique needs of revenue allocation and joint venture accounting.
Power of IFS Energy
Management of your complete upstream oil & gas business through IFS' market-leading, end-to-end solution that spans the entire upstream value chain – from field operations and land acquisition through financial accounting.