Project Management Software Solutions for enterprise

Deliver complex enterprise projects safely, on-time and on-budget.

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Projects in IFS Cloud provides an advanced set of tools tailored for specific industries. Project management ERP software from IFS gives you everything you need for a smooth and predictable delivery throughout the entire lifecycle for even the most complex of projects.

Operational efficiency and total project visibility

Discover how Projects in IFS Cloud streamlines operations, enhances visibility, and helps propels your organization towards on-time and on-budget delivery.


Drive project control

Improve overall control of people, materials, logistics and supplies to keep projects on-track. Give your project managers access to real-time updates and tools so they can analyze the impact of changes.

Deliver against the wider strategy

Ensure projects are delivered on-time, on-budget and are built in-line with the requirements and goals of wider programs or business objectives.


Enterprise Project Management software solutions for your industry

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