
Silvermill Group

IFS helps Silvermill Group face climate change challenges

Established in 1920 by Anthony Silva, Silvermill Group remains under the management of the Silva family today. To support its craft of growing, plucking and processing coconut products, it maintains a dedication to the use of the latest innovative technologies. Silvermill supplies ingredients to the likes of Kellogg’s, Nestle, Mars, Cadbury and more.

A shortage of raw materials brought on by climate change was creating complex macroeconomic challenges for Silvermill. In addition, recent diversification and rapid expansion of operations had also presented management with a resourcing challenge.

To overcome these challenges, Silvermill Group adopted an extensive suite from IFS. By doing so, the company has:

  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Made better use of its data
  • Increased profitability

Because IFS helped Silvermill Group to overcome challenges, the company now plans to use the software to support its ambitious future goals.

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Silvermill Group Customer Case Study_2022_thumbnail_670x413px

“We are quite sure that IFS will partner us for the next 100 years and this is truly exciting.”

Cedric Wijegunawardene

Group CFO

About Silvermill

Silvermill Group are an ingredient supplier. They supply to Kellogg's, Nestle, Mars, Cadbury, for cereal bars, mueslis and coconut milk.

Benefits seen using IFS

  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Access to more data than ever before
  • Maintained their staff retention policy a commitment to innovation
  • Robust yet flexible system to match their needs
  • Increased revenues and maintained cost levels at optimum level

IFS helps Silvermill face climate change

All seven companies within Silvermill Group are running IFS ERP with the aim to grow globally

To remain competitive and meet customer demands Silvermill adopted an ERP solution from IFS. By leveraging this system they have gained better understanding of their business, leading to increased growth and employee retention. The Quality Management module has enhanced their customer service, resource control and allowed them to be more environmentally efficient. Prabath Fernando, AGM Finance at Silvermill Group saves three hours a day using IFS. This allows him to allocate more of his time towards managerial tasks.

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