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Distributie Oltenia

Distributie Oltenia: Making a smart transformation with Workforce Automation

Distributie Oltenia (formerly CEZ Distributie) is an electric distribution utility based in Craiova, Romania with 1,427,055 meters over seven counties. The utility is a member of CEZ Group, an electric conglomerate headquartered in the Czech Republic with operations in several countries in Central Eastern Europe and Turkey.

Once the utility decided to implement software to automate their workforce, they identified that they would require a GIS-based solution integrated with current systems like SAP and future ones like MDM through an enterprise service bus (ESB).

Distributie Oltenia’s Mobile Workforce Management solution includes the WorkSpace office application, the WorkBook mobile application, Enterprise Scheduling, and Genesis Configuration—all in a PostgreSQL open source object-relational database system. The solution will be in use by 440 mobile technicians and 190 dispatchers.

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“We are excited to work alongside this talented team in this complex implementation, helping us achieve our business objectives with minimum disruption as part of our SMART Transformation Program.”

Cosmin Ghita

Smart Transformation Program Manager, Distributie Oltenia

About Distributie Oltenia

Distributie Oltenia (formerly CEZ Distributie) is an electric distribution utility based in Craiova, Romania with 1,427,055 meters over seven counties. The utility is a member of CEZ Group, an electric conglomerate headquartered in the Czech Republic with operations in several countries in Central Eastern Europe and Turkey.

Benefits seen using IFS

  • Greater efficiencies from field operations
  • Enhance the safety of field crews and contractors
  • Minimum disruption

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