Construction industry transformation: Whitepaper

Offsite manufacturing or modular construction is increasingly seen as an opportunity to drive change across the construction industry, including general contractors, specialty contractors, infrastructure developers, residential constructors, and construction designers/consultancies. Productivity in global construction has hardly improved in the last twenty years. Combined with other challenges in construction, such as sustainability targets, supply chain issues, and a skilled labor shortage, these factors provide compelling reasons for change.

There are several drivers for change when utilizing offsite manufacturing and modular construction, which come from different directions but combine around some of the following key requirements:

  • An established target market with a growing value for new real estate construction
  • Cost savings in construction
  • Reduced waste produced on-site
  • Provides more affordable housing
  • Build timescales reduced

IFS Cloud is a project and asset-focused Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution designed to support the full project and asset lifecycle. To that end, IFS has customers operating within different stages of this lifecycle, providing effective solutions across the entire industry.

To learn more about how IFS Cloud can help your company digitally transform, download our whitepaper now.

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