Construction & Infrastructure Software Solutions

From design and construct to ongoing service and maintenance, optimize your business with ERP and EAM construction software from IFS.


With IFS’ software for construction, you gain total project financial control in a single, configurable ERP platform

Lifecycle control with IFS infrastructure & construction software

IFS Cloud lets general and specialty contractors, offsite and modular manufacturers and property and facility managers support the full asset lifecycle with best practice processes that deliver exceptional project control – all in a single solution.


Achieving success in a disruptive market

Navigate industry turmoil with integrated construction ERP software that ensures best practice and supports modern methods of construction like BIM and offsite construction.

A new business revenue model for the construction sector

With service and maintenance contracts typically exceeding build costs by 120-200%, they provide an opportunity to increase revenue per asset, provide a predictable revenue stream and improve profit margins.


Here’s what customers are saying

Software solutions and capabilities for the construction industry

  • Construction Project Management 

    IFS Cloud provides construction companies with a system that ensures that they are in complete control of their construction projects from start to finish. From accounting and finance to subcontract and contract management, IFS Cloud’s composable architecture means that construction companies can rely on best-in-class processes that will allow them to deliver their projects on time, on budget and at high quality.   

    The challenges the industry faces typically centre around a lack of skilled labor, low profit margins, complex supply chains, fierce competition and a disconnected or inefficient business system.  IFS understand this and are hence a great choice for project management software for construction. 

    IFS project management capabilities allow construction companies to only ever operate from one version of truth.  This means that all parts of the construction lifecycle are connected and that at any time, stakeholders can get an accurate representation of the status of their project from build progress to profit margins.  

    This capability allows decision makers to make real-time choices on their projects to ensure continuity and achieve the desired goal of delivering projects on time, on budget and at high quality. 

    IFS Cloud can deliver complete project management control and integrate with other best-of-breed solutions across the construction spectrum to support and achieve this ultimate goal.   

  • Construction Asset Management 

    Construction Asset Management helps organizations to keep track of their assets.  This can include equipment, for example, machinery, vehicles, tools and computers on the construction site.  Asset management for construction is vital to the successful running and timely completion of construction projects. 

    Although a very important function, Construction Asset Management, is unfortunately often overlooked.  Asset Management Software can help construction firms, as a minimum, to track the life of their assets, improve accountability, provide regular asset reviews and track accordingly.  

    IFS can help engineering and construction organizations that need asset management software ultimately helping to improve overall productivity and efficiency. 

  • Construction ERP

    Construction ERP (Enterprise resource planning) software helps construction organisations to monitor their project lifecycle to ensure timely delivery.   It can help support intelligent automation and processes via an integrated system aiding greater efficiency and insight across your construction business. 

    Enterprise resource planning software for construction offers many benefits including current reporting and forecasting which can assist with decision making, planning and project management. 

    IFS’ construction ERP software is tailored to your business helping to enhance operational efficiencies and offering a seamless experience to ensure you remain competitive in the current landscape.  

  • Construction Resource Planning and Management

    Construction organizations often have to deliver complex projects within budget and specification, and to a tight schedule.  

    Ultimately, through proper resource planning and management, construction companies can ensure that their resource is properly allocated and managed, resulting in reduction of resource conflict, optimisation of time and effort and efficient allocation of the correct resource to jobs.   

    IFS construction software can help construction companies with the planning and management of construction resource to ensure timely delivery of project goals and targets.  Correct construction resource planning & management will help construction businesses to manage their project workloads and progress resulting in enhanced efficiency across all facets. 

  • Construction Procurement Software

    Construction Procurement Software plays a very important role as it allows organisations within the construction industry to manage and plan all areas of the procurement process. 

    Construction projects can be complex and varied, involving material, labor and equipment being tracked and delivered across several sites simultaneously.  By using Construction Procurement Software, a lot of these processes can be automated and streamlined resulting in greater visibility and control across all aspects of the project lifecycle. 

    IFS Construction Procurement Software can facilitate businesses to automate many of their processes; it can help track your spending, enhance operational performance and provide greater reporting tools resulting in more informed decision making and a more efficient operation. 

Supporting assets

Stewart Milne Timber System selects IFS to optimize offsite manufacturing and automate business processes
ifs_Industries Billboard ECI Construction Infrastructure_02_22_670x413
5 dangers you need to be aware of if you are still running a legacy ERP system 
The IFS Cloud and Procore integration connects the office to the field to empower construction companies

Solutions for the construction industry

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