IFS Remote Assistance: Powered by Help Lightning

Provided by: Helplightning
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Remote Visual Assistance software enabling service organizations to provide virtual “hands-on” support.

IFS Remote Assistance is a cloud-based solution, powered by Help Lightning that provides next generation video collaboration services that enable a company’s experts to work virtually side-by-side with anyone needing help, anywhere in the world.

IFS Remote Assistance applies augmented reality features, including the merging of two video streams and the use of 3D annotation to improve real-time communications and solve difficult problems. IFS Remote Assistance is used for the installation, inspection, training, servicing, and repair of complex equipment.

With Remote Assistance, agents are able to more confidently diagnose issues, find resolutions, avoid dispatches, and increase customer satisfaction. Remote Assistance runs on smart glasses including Vuzix, RealWear, Google Glass, Zebra, HoloLens, Jorjin.

  • Using augmented reality features, IFS Remote Assistance blends two real-time video streams, that of the agent and of the customer into a collaborative work environment.
  • This innovative technology allows an agent to virtually reach out and touch what the customer is working on.
  • The agent’s hand displays in the customer’s field of view where they can annotate, use hand gestures, and even bring in tools, parts, images or instructions to quickly resolve the problem.
  • Captured pictures, session recordings, and call data also become part of the call record for later review or training purposes.

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