Hexagon Agility Experiences New Robust Operations With IFS
Hexagon extended their instance of IFS software deeper into the business to improve the end customer’s experience.
With the support of Nayo Technologies, Hexagon Agility upgraded their IFS software at their headquarters in California and rolled out the solution to six other locations in the US, Canada and Norway. Despite a number of integrations with third party systems, the upgrade was completed in two and half months.
This was due to straightforward architecture from IFS and Nayo Technologies support.
“The IFS Digital Business Value Assessment is a fantastic strategic tool. It triggered conversations, discovery and insights between our different companies that simply didn’t happen before.”
Business Solution Architect, Hexagon Agility
About Hexagon Agility
Hexagon Agility is a leading global supplier of clean fuel systems for medium and heavy-duty commercial vehicles.
- Tightened order-to-ship processes for improved customer experience
- Avoidance of overtime work to reduce product cost
- Actual costing data to support more aggressive pricing
- Automatic carryover of configurations and customizations through layered architecture
- Immediate IFS expertise on demand with IFS Success
- Scalable Level 2 support